Finding outdated gems in your project (using a Gemfile)

There is a gem for that! Thanks to Patrick Lenz who wrote bundle_outdated (gem install bundle_outdated). In your project directory, execute bundle-outdated: $ bundle-outdated Finding outdated gems.. Newer versions found for: sass-rails (3.2.5 > 3.2.3) coffee-rails (3.2.2 > 3.2.1) uglifier (1.2.4 > 1.0.3) Lock bundle to these versions by putting the following in your Gemfile: gem … 


Install DataMapper MySQL adapter on Mac OS X (10.6.6)

I’ve just installed MySQL 5 from mysql-5.5.9-osx10.6-x86_64.dmg package, see MySQL download website or mirrors. This package installs MySQL in /usr/local/mysql (symlink to mysql-5.5.9-osx10.6-x86_64). When I wanted to install DataMapper MySQL driver, I ran into the following error: $ sudo gem install dm-mysql-adapter –no-rdoc –no-ri Fetching: data_objects-0.10.3.gem (100%) Fetching: do_mysql-0.10.3.gem (100%) Building native extensions.  This could take … 


Install gem without documentation

If you need to install your gems without extra documentation, use flags –no-rdoc and –no-ri Example: $ gem install –no-rdoc –no-ri rails Edit: You can automate this with the following in your .gemrc : gem: –no-ri –no-rdoc It is said that using these flags on every gem command can break things, so the alternate configuration …