Starting iPhone development

I’ve recently decided to start developing on the iPhone platform. I wanted to share here all links and resources I found to get started.

Getting started


Learn Objective-C

iPhone applications are primarily written in Objective-C. Get more information about this language on Wikipedia.

Basically, Objective-C is an object-oriented programming language which adds Smalltalk-style messaging to the C programming language.


On the excellent Pragmatic Bookshelf, you can find books and screencasts such as :


Introductions, tutorials and examples I found around :


I also found a lot of excellent resources on iTunes-U:

Books from Amazon

I didn’t read all these books, I’ve just selected books with a good rating.


Learn Cocoa

iPhone development

Hello World

Hello World in video

More tutorials and application examples


I hope you find these resources useful. Next articles will deal with iPhone development.